A lot has happened but I’ll keep this short


Leaves I picked out for a crafty project.

So much has happened since I last took a peek at this blog. I’m sorry I didn’t keep it up to date. But, for the short end of it, Brian and I had a fantastic wedding in 2011 and we recently celebrated our 3 year wedding anniversary on Sept 10th. Also, we moved across the country. Yeah… there’s that big event. That happened. HA! So, we moved from sunny AZ to seasons in PA. It’s a beautiful state, with lovely people and not a whole lot of work for me. However, Brian has moved up in his career which is something that we really work for.

However, Since the move we haven’t had a whole lot of adventures due to us taping our savings to move and then some. We’ll be having fun with Trick-Or-Treat-ers this Halloween in our new house so that is bound to be full of excitement.

Here’s some pictures to catch you up with our Pennsylvania life so far.


We learned how to make sushi in a cooking class at Thyme in your Kitchen, a local shop here in PA.

Dragon Cake

Brian recently celebrated his 30th birthday! Here’s the silly dragon cake I made him. Lemon filling with cream cheese frosting scales.

Leaf Candles

The candle jars I made from freshly fallen leaves and mason jars.

Shelfie 2

With so much free time on my hands I’ve rediscovered my absolute love of reading. Here’s my shelf from a few months ago.


My new favorite book series. The Grisha Trilogy by Leigh Bardugo.

The Selection

My current read, The Selection by Kiera Cass.

Best of wishes to all of you. I hope to be writing more and more interesting topics in the future.



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October 5th, 2011

First of all I would love to apologize for my failure to update this blog in the previous months since I moved to Tucson. Many things have happened since I last wrote. One major event in particular…


It’s true. Brian and I were married on 9/10/11 in Payson, Arizona at the beautiful cabin of Brian’s Aunt Kelli and Uncle Steve.  The service was amazing and perfect. Our friends and family were able to make it from all over the country, even as far as DC! (Thanks again, Lexie.) We had amazing cakes and all in all everything was actually so perfect Brian and I both expressed that the entire day felt like a dream.

We hope all of you are well and I’ll be posting more soon.

We're married! Kiss.


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Settled In

So, time has finally opened up for me to get back to my real trade. Writing. I have moved, settled in, finished most of my training in my new/old job and have finally been able to take a true minute to breath and have to myself and my imagination.

What’s happened? How did the move go? You, possibly, ask.” The move went smoothly!” I would exclaim if asked. We were done in time for the big college game. I had a lot of help from Brian, his parents and sisters, and my friends Kitt and Jesse. I found out a few things about myself, one being of which that I apparently pack much differently and more organized than most and what’s really necessary. Also found out that even apart from getting rid/throwing away/donating a large quantity of my belongings/junk I have come to the realization that I own a lot of CRAP! We filled, to the brim, a large produce truck about the same size as the largest U-Haul truck with all of my belongings in my tiny one bedroom apartment. I did not think I owned SO MUCH!

Now there were some down falls, literally. I, of course, did my number of trips, falls, crashes, and falling from the sidewalk into the grass with a desk as Kitt semi laughed at me. An old entertainment center that was bought from target and put together back in 2005 went end over end as Jesse pushed it over the lawn to the trash. And Brian had a large three seating couch dropped on his leg UP the stairs. Luckily he was fine and no serious injuries occurred.

What’s happened in the big/little city? Not much different than the big city actually. I’ve been able to meet and make new friends as well as hang out with old friends and play xbox for recreation. I’ve had my “run ins” with the village crazies just as I did in Tempe when I moved there. All in all, I LOVE IT HERE! The people are great and there is a beautiful view. We have mountains here, which is both amazing and wonderful. Hopefully I’ll get the chance to actually go hiking soon before it gets too hot. But in the meantime I’m going to hop right back into my blog and do my best at finishing my book. Hope you all enjoy!


Filed under Alexis, Brian, Tucson

1 year has passed

And what an amazing year it’s been. This last weekend (the 5th) was Brian and I’s 1 year anniversary (Dating not married) and we had an amazing day. We went to the Renaissance Faire with his family and friends, not much different from our 1st date weekend. And we finished the night off with a date and happy memories.

In other news of awesomeness I’ve been incredibly busy. It’s hilarious how it’s more difficult to move when you aren’t planning on taking everything. I’m getting rid of a lot of my pack ratty ness due to moving in a same size apartment but with two people’s worth of stuff in it and two kitties. Where last time it took me a mere week to pack up all of my junk it’s taken me a week to just pack/sort/donate two rooms worth of my apartment and a closet. And I’m just saying… but I may have PTSD from my closet… When did I gather so much junk!? AH!

Anyways, the point is that the stories will continue once I get my pail tail in gear and finish the pack/move. Hope you are all well!

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My day started out with my blackberry storm cellphone attempting to self-destruct in a constant state of rebooting itself over and over again. Considering that the following day was Brian and I’s plan to get the phones switched over to a family plan this was an annoyance but not necessarily bad timing. To my luck I plugged my phone into my car jack and “Bloop” it turned on and I had a safe drive to Tucson.

You know what is an incredibly awesome way to meet your boyfriend’s father? When he’s the drummer for an awesome band and they’re playing at a local gig. The show was complete with amazing lights, smoke machines, and covers of Godsmack, Smashing Pumpkins, Nirvana, and many more. While the band was very entertaining I found my imaginative interest in the fans. This crazy awesome band has a following! One of which really caught my attention, she was in her mid-50’s, possibly older, and from her movements and reactions to certain songs being played it was difficult for me to decipher if she was drunk or one of those ladies that spent a lot of time chilling in the 60’s. The first time I watched this would be groupie storm the stage and dance to her hearts content took me by such surprise I almost lost my yummy tea through my nose and proceeded to semi choke/laugh. I officially (heart) that lady. This would not be the last time I would have a self-inflicted near death choke of laughter experience this night. When Brian’s Father, while drumming, burst into song from the latest Nickleback song “Figured You Out” (Lyrics here) I almost died once again, somewhat from laughter and somewhat from amazement. From all the concerts I’ve been to these guys sounded just like each one of them. The band is called Covert Ops and you can check them out on Facebook here. Enjoy!


Filed under Alexis, Brian


This previous weekend was odd. Now, I say this because I only saw Brian on Sunday, which in itself was odd, but I went to a bad movie night on Friday with a group of old friends and Saturday is mostly a blur of Facebooking and Netflix watching. I’m currently watching the 2nd season of Hercules (Yes from the 90’s) and Battlestar Galactica and am now having random dreams about Centaurs in space that are really robots…

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Don’t ask…

I did, however, get to see Brian the minute he got off the plane. Which is always a happy reunion. We hugged, I got kisses, he got kisses and cookies… What? I bake! We went to the game store and picked up the new Dead Space game which is, like the 1st one, much like a very long and terrifying horror movie. There was a lot of jumping and me hiding myself behind him until the scary sounds went away.


Filed under Airport, Alexis, Brian

Airport Newbie

Now, I’ve never been inside an airport before Saturday. The experience was interesting but it also made me wish I were flying around the country with Brian.

Brian left for a week today to go out and explore the world of Conventions. I already miss him very much… YES! I KNOW IT’S ONLY MONDAY! =-P

ANY-who… The airport was vast and not as crowded as I would have expected, and come to think of it, not as vast as I expected. I got gypped. Haha! Not really. Just compared to the airport in Phoenix where simply driving to the correct gate for the correct airline is a pain in the tush, Tucson’s airport was much easier to navigate.

Security was all over the place and for some reason they reminded me of wolves. Hunting in packs of seven or more. The intercom blared over the people in a somewhat cheery feminine computer voice, “Welcome Customers. To ensure that you have the safest trip possible please alert our resident Homeland Security of any suspicious activity.”

Ohhhhh dear. I looked at the people around me as I waited for Brian to check his bag and realized that either I was hearing things, it was normal for the airport to let you know of their “resident homeland security”, or I, being the airport newb, was the only one who cared. I chose the latter and patiently waited for Brian to finish checking his bag.

Once done we headed upstairs, past a pack of homeland security wolves, and had a nice lunch before he took off. Not SOOO bad for my first trip to the airport.


Filed under Airport, Alexis, Brian, Travel

Machete UnChristmas

This last weekend was a blast! Friday night started off with dinner and destruction! That’s right! Sarah, Cody, Brian, and I went out for Sushi and Fish and then destroyed Sarah and Cody’s Christmas tree.

There was much debate amongst the guys on what tools to use to properly chop up the tree and dispose of it.

Brian while handing hedge clippers to Cody, “Here you go. These should work.” Cody just glances at them for a moment, “They don’t seem like they’ll go through the tree trunk.” I happen to find a yard Tiki and start waving it around like a staff. Cody perks a brow at me, “We can’t take you anywhere.” I just give him my best cheerleader smile and Brian laughs. Brian’s eyes shift down to what looks, to me, like a long and thin cardboard box with a handle out the end. Brian gasps and grabs quickly for the box. “A machete! I’m getting the machete!” Sarah’s mouth drops, “You have GOT to be kidding me.” Brian may have heard her but was filled with far too much glee to respond. He just turns to me and I have a similar grin as him on my face as well. I approve. If not for the tree, there are many uses for a machete. Including “Hacking down the rain forest.” Sarah pointed out. Cody looks at the hedge clippers once again and sets them back on the shelf and quickly goes for the equally manly hatchet. Meanwhile Sarah is standing next to him holding up a curved saw that looks like it’s soul purpose is to saw down small trees. They start debating on what was more stupid, the hatchet or the saw, while Brian and I chuckled behind them, me still playing with the Tiki and Brian with his machete. We were finally interrupted by the small Wal-mart yard and garden employee, glaring at all of us with our potential weapons of UnChristmas destruction. “If it’s a small tree, the saw will work just fine.” Cody, with all his pent up cynicism just glared at the man as if he would eat him while Sarah walked away laughing. She had won, Cody would buy the small curved saw.

The saw kind of sucked, much to Sarah and I’s enjoyment. She and I didn’t have to cut down the tree. Both Brian and Cody had to pin the tree down to keep it from moving so they could get leverage on it. The machete was a lot of fun but it’s best use was for knocking off all the dried pine needles into a giant pile below the tree. It did take out some of the branches. We all cheered and Sarah took pictures.

After they hit it with the machete

After they hit it with the machete

Saturday Brian and I went into town to help his sisters move. They got an adorable apartment and are mostly excited to finally be out of their parents house. It’s always nice to see his family. Later Sarah, Cody, Brian and I went to see the new Nicolas Cage movie Season of the Witch. Save your money and rent it or netflix it. Just trust me on this. It’s not bad but it’s not worth theater prices. Afterward we all went back to Sarah, Cody, and Brian’s house and played board games.

Sunday was a hiking trip. <Insert excited smile here.> We all took Sarah and Cody’s dog Kitsune (Kits-sune-A) up to see the left over snow and walk up a rather easy trail. You may recognize the below pictures from my last hike, but thankfully Kitsune wasn’t interested in going very high up.

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Another weekend done and 10 weeks left until I move to Tucson!

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Filed under Brian, Cody, Hike, Holidays, Sarah, Sisters

Hello world!

We moved over! YAY! I’ll have a new blog up very shortly.

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Montage Monday!

Today’s picture is one of my favorites. Simply because I adore 1920’s Art Deco. This is by Charles Demuth.

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